Institute of Technology Tallaght (Ireland) Visit to SIT
发布时间: 2013-03-25 浏览次数: 121

On 20 March, Mr. Vickery John, Registrar and Mr. Pat Coman, Head of Development from the Institute of Technology Tallaght, Dublin (ITT) paid the 4th visit to SIT. VP Yinzhong Ye met with the delegation, representatives from the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering participated in the meeting.
ITT is located in the Ireland capital city Dublin, and is strong in the disciplines such as Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Pharmaceutical Science and so on. It is known that ITT is currently in the process of merging the other three colleges in the area of Dublin, and it is estimated that in around two to three years, a new Dublin Technological University will be established, and the total enrollment will be approximately 25,000.
Since 2011, the two universities started to build up the relationship. In October 2012, the signing of MOU has officially endorsed the cooperations. In the meeting, VP Ye mentioned that the two universities should work hard together to identify the specific collaborative project that can be implemented on the basis of MOU, so that the cooperations can be actually further deepen and widen. Both sides expressed the strong wish to undertake the students exchange at the levels of undergraduate and the postgraduate studies, academic research as well as the study tour programs. After the meeting, ITT representatives visited the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and exchanged the views with the faculties and academics from the School.


