Experts from Halmstad University in Sweden Visiting SIT
发布时间: 2013-03-21 浏览次数: 141

On March 19, Vice President, Professor Yinzhong Ye met with Professor Hugo Palmsköld, expert of Art History and Professor Ditte Sörense from Halmstad University in Sweden. Relevant executives from School of Humanities, School of Foreign Languages and International Relation Office were present.
At the beginning, V.P. Yinzhong Ye extended warm welcome to the distinguished guests from HU. Then, Ye reviewed the progress in cooperation that had been made between two universities. Ye said that the student exchange programs with HU, which had been listed as the Plan of “Shanghai University Students Studying and Practicing Abroad” by The Education Commission of Shanghai, was a very important program of SIT. In recent years, SIT has been cooperating closely with universities abroad, particularly in the scholar communication. Ye expressed his wish to conduct cooperation in the field of common concerns. Also, Ye thanked the experts from Sweden for giving an academic report to the students of SIT. Meanwhile, He hoped to invite more professors from HU to give lectures at SIT in the future.

Hugo Palmsköld thanked V.P. Yinzhong Ye for the invitation. Hugo Palmsköld invited Ye and the executives of the two Schools to pay a visit to HU when convenient and welcomed teachers and students of SIT to further their study in Sweden in the future. 




